quinta-feira, 5 de março de 2009

Voluntariado EVS - WWF Italy‏

Projecto: Comune di Anversa - Riserva Regionale Gole del Sagittario
Local: Natural Reserve Gole del Sagittario of the City Council of Anversa degli Abruzzi ( AQ) – Italy
Duração: 12 meses
Data estimada de início:
1 Julho 2009

alojamento, alimentação, 1 viagem de ida e volta, curso de línguas, seguro de saúde e "pocket money" pagos pelo Programa Juventude em Acção durante o voluntariado

Descrição e tarefas :
The volunteers will help and give support in the running of the Natural Reserve. The seasonal tasks will be as follow: wintertime: fauna and birds monitoring, office work with GIS tools in environmental monitoring. Springtime : fauna and birds monitoring, botanical garden work ; summertime and autumn: animation and leisure activities for children and tourists, mainly for families, in the Natural Reserve and the village: work in the botanical garden, office work. The Coordinating and hosting organization "Natural Reserve Gole del Sagittario" will apply a learning-by- doing method for the volunteers, by providing them with supervision and true experience on the field with the Reserve staff. Volunteers must be happy to live in an isolated village in the mountains with no night-life, but good air and mineral drinking water running in their house, uncontaminated environment and a stunning landscape among the rocks , the river and the flyingn raptors-birds. The Reserve has EU and international projects running with WWF Italy, EU, Abruzzo Region, the Universities of Rome and Pescara, and many other institutions.

Candidaturas: CV + carta de motivação (ambos em Inglês) até 31 de Março 2009

Centro de Convergência / GAIA Alentejo
Centro Social da Aldeia das Amoreiras
7630-513 Aldeia das Amoreiras
W: www.centrodeconvergencia.org
E: geral@centrodeconvergencia.org
T: 283 925 032

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